Source code for pysb.integrate

import numpy
from pysb.simulator import ScipyOdeSimulator

[docs]class Solver(object): """An interface for numeric integration of models. Parameters ---------- model : pysb.Model Model to integrate. tspan : vector-like Time values over which to integrate. The first and last values define the time range, and the returned trajectories will be sampled at every value. use_analytic_jacobian : boolean, optional Whether to provide the solver a Jacobian matrix derived analytically from the model ODEs. Defaults to False. If False, the integrator may approximate the Jacobian by finite-differences calculations when necessary (depending on the integrator and settings). integrator : string, optional (default: 'vode') Name of the integrator to use, taken from the list of integrators known to :py:class:`scipy.integrate.ode`. cleanup : bool, optional If True (default), delete the temporary files after the simulation is finished. If False, leave them in place. Useful for debugging. verbose : bool, optional (default: False) Verbose output integrator_options Additional parameters for the integrator. Attributes ---------- model : pysb.Model Model passed to the constructor tspan : vector-like Time values passed to the constructor. y : numpy.ndarray Species trajectories. Dimensionality is ``(len(tspan), len(model.species))``. yobs : numpy.ndarray with record-style data-type Observable trajectories. Length is ``len(tspan)`` and record names follow ``model.observables`` names. yobs_view : numpy.ndarray An array view (sharing the same data buffer) on ``yobs``. Dimensionality is ``(len(tspan), len(model.observables))``. yexpr : numpy.ndarray with record-style data-type Expression trajectories. Length is ``len(tspan)`` and record names follow ``model.expressions_dynamic()`` names. yexpr_view : numpy.ndarray An array view (sharing the same data buffer) on ``yexpr``. Dimensionality is ``(len(tspan), len(model.expressions_dynamic()))``. integrator : scipy.integrate.ode Integrator object. Notes ----- The expensive step of generating the code for the right-hand side of the model's ODEs is performed during initialization. If you need to integrate the same model repeatedly with different parameters then you should build a single Solver object and then call its ``run`` method as needed. """ def __init__(self, model, tspan, use_analytic_jacobian=False, integrator='vode', cleanup=True, verbose=False, **integrator_options): self._sim = ScipyOdeSimulator(model, verbose=verbose, tspan=tspan, use_analytic_jacobian= use_analytic_jacobian, integrator=integrator, cleanup=cleanup, **integrator_options) self.result = None self._yexpr_view = None self._yobs_view = None @property def _use_inline(self): return ScipyOdeSimulator._use_inline @_use_inline.setter def _use_inline(self, use_inline): ScipyOdeSimulator._use_inline = use_inline @property def y(self): return self.result.species if self.result is not None else None @property def yobs(self): return self.result.observables if self.result is not None else None @property def yobs_view(self): if self._yobs_view is None: self._yobs_view = self.yobs.view(float).reshape(len(self.yobs), -1) return self._yobs_view @property def yexpr(self): return self.result.expressions if self.result is not None else None @property def yexpr_view(self): if self._yexpr_view is None: self._yexpr_view = self.yexpr.view(float).reshape(len(self.yexpr), -1) return self._yexpr_view
[docs] def run(self, param_values=None, y0=None): """Perform an integration. Returns nothing; access the Solver object's ``y``, ``yobs``, or ``yobs_view`` attributes to retrieve the results. Parameters ---------- param_values : vector-like or dictionary, optional Values to use for every parameter in the model. Ordering is determined by the order of model.parameters. If passed as a dictionary, keys must be parameter names. If not specified, parameter values will be taken directly from model.parameters. y0 : vector-like, optional Values to use for the initial condition of all species. Ordering is determined by the order of model.species. If not specified, initial conditions will be taken from model.initials (with initial condition parameter values taken from `param_values` if specified). """ self._yobs_view = None self._yexpr_view = None self.result =, initials=y0)
[docs]def odesolve(model, tspan, param_values=None, y0=None, integrator='vode', cleanup=True, verbose=False, **integrator_options): """Integrate a model's ODEs over a given timespan. This is a simple function-based interface to integrating (a.k.a. solving or simulating) a model. If you need to integrate a model repeatedly with different parameter values or initial conditions (as in parameter estimation), using the Solver class directly will provide much better performance. Parameters ---------- model : pysb.Model Model to integrate. tspan : vector-like Time values over which to integrate. The first and last values define the time range, and the returned trajectories will be sampled at every value. param_values : vector-like, optional Values to use for every parameter in the model. Ordering is determined by the order of model.parameters. If not specified, parameter values will be taken directly from model.parameters. y0 : vector-like, optional Values to use for the initial condition of all species. Ordering is determined by the order of model.species. If not specified, initial conditions will be taken from model.initials (with initial condition parameter values taken from `param_values` if specified). integrator : string, optional Name of the integrator to use, taken from the list of integrators known to :py:class:`scipy.integrate.ode`. cleanup : bool, optional Remove temporary files after completion if True. Set to False for debugging purposes. verbose : bool, optionsal Increase verbosity of simulator output. integrator_options : Additional parameters for the integrator. Returns ------- yfull : record array The trajectories calculated by the integration. The first dimension is time and its length is identical to that of `tspan`. The second dimension is species/observables and its length is the sum of the lengths of model.species and model.observables. The dtype of the array specifies field names: '__s0', '__s1', etc. for the species and observable names for the observables. See Notes below for further explanation and caveats. Notes ----- This function was the first implementation of integration support and accordingly it has a few warts: * It performs expensive code generation every time it is called. * The returned array, with its record-style data-type, allows convenient selection of individual columns by their field names, but does not permit slice ranges or indexing by integers for columns. If you only need access to your model's observables this is usually not a problem, but sometimes it's more convenient to have a "regular" array. See Examples below for code to do this. The actual integration code has since been moved to the Solver class and split up such that the code generation is only performed on initialization. The model may then be integrated repeatedly with different parameter values or initial conditions with much better performance. Additionally, Solver makes the species trajectories available as a simple array and only uses the record array for the observables where it makes sense. This function now simply serves as a wrapper for creating a Solver object, calling its ``run`` method, and building the record array to return. Examples -------- Simulate a model and display the results for an observable: >>> from pysb.examples.robertson import model >>> from numpy import linspace >>> numpy.set_printoptions(precision=4) >>> yfull = odesolve(model, linspace(0, 40, 10)) >>> print(yfull['A_total']) #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [1. 0.899 0.8506 0.8179 0.793 0.7728 0.7557 0.7408 0.7277 0.7158] Obtain a view on a returned record array which uses an atomic data-type and integer indexing (note that the view's data buffer is shared with the original array so there is no extra memory cost): >>> yfull.shape == (10, ) True >>> print(yfull.dtype) #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [('__s0', '<f8'), ('__s1', '<f8'), ('__s2', '<f8'), ('A_total', '<f8'), ('B_total', '<f8'), ('C_total', '<f8')] >>> print(yfull[0:4, 1:3]) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): ... IndexError: too many indices... >>> yarray = yfull.view(float).reshape(len(yfull), -1) >>> yarray.shape == (10, 6) True >>> print(yarray.dtype) float64 >>> print(yarray[0:4, 1:3]) #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [[0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00] [2.1672e-05 1.0093e-01] [1.6980e-05 1.4943e-01] [1.4502e-05 1.8209e-01]] """ integrator_options['integrator'] = integrator sim = ScipyOdeSimulator(model, tspan=tspan, cleanup=cleanup, verbose=verbose, **integrator_options) simres =, initials=y0) return simres.all